Wrapping Up Season 2

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Announcements | 0 comments

Dear PFTF Friends,

Season 2 of Parenting for the Future comes to an end today. And what a season!

This podcast was launched to help parents understand two things – the phenomena that have
and will shape the world in which their children will come of age and the science and strategies
for raising their children to find their own voices so that they can thrive and shape that world in
their unique way.

Our conversations have therefore explored climate change, sustainability, gender violence and
racial bias; LGBTQIA+ and women’s rights; education and the roots and some of the impacts of
systemic racism. We have dissected grit, failure, life admin and anxiety; we’ve shared blueprints
for raising truly successful adults who can lead themselves, lead others and lead change. We
have talked of the importance of mindfulness and selfcare and the power of books to shape a
. And we learned how to triage our lives to survive COVID-19.

While we could not have predicted the confluence of events this season – a global pandemic,
the Antiracist Movement, political divisions – that have laid bare and are upending an
inequitable world order, they have made PFTF more relevant than ever.

Season 3 returns this fall. And with a presidential election in the US, we will explore and inform
one of the greatest powers we all have to shape the future for our children – our vote!

But we end this season in conversation with legendary chocolatier, Jacques Torres, whose grit,
grace and great chocolate remind us that there is always reason to smile, to be optimistic, to
savor the simple and powerful pleasure of being alive.

Wishing you and yours a safe, happy, and healthy summer. See you in the fall!

Petal and the PFTF crew