Petal’s Weekly Picks for Top Parenting for the Future Stories: Provocative Parenting Questions

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Inspiration | 0 comments

This week I am sharing three thought-provoking questions with respect to our children and their well-being, including whether some of us should be allowed to have children. I also read a series of articles that focus on some of the phenomena that impact childhood learning and development and the policies and advances in science and technology that can help all our kids thrive, no matter their learning style, state of health or experiences. 

Here are my picks for the top Parenting for the Future stories this week:

3 Provocative Parenting Questions:

Why the U.S. Has Long Resisted Universal Child Care

Should both parents work? If not, is it the mother who should remain at home with the kids? We find ourselves still asking these questions as universal child care is fast becoming a central issue in the 2020 presidential race. 

Should Children be Able to Select Their Own Gender?

Should a child be allowed to choose their own gender? Canada says “yes.” The U.S. says “no.” The research says it can be mentally beneficial. 

Should There Be a license to Have Children?

One doctor shares his scientific approach to stopping unwanted pregnancies and thereby preventing their negative social and economic impacts.

Learning Impacts:

Understanding Dyslexia

Learn the signs of this common learning disability and how to help those children impacted by it both socially and academically. 

How Trauma Affects Kids in School

Ongoing exposure to neglect, abuse, homelessness or violence causes learning and behavior problems in children. Here, the signs of trauma and tips for helping kids who’ve been impacted.

Sexual Violence May Reshape the Female Brain

One group of scientists set out to find the answer to whether or not sexual assault affects women’s neurology. Here’s what they discovered. 

Advances/actions that are helping our kids thrive:

Blind Children Can Learn Too

Read how one MBA student set out to help blind children overcome learning challenges by teaching them to draw — and ultimately learn math and science while creating art.


Virtual reality is providing terminally ill children with an escape from their unfortunate fates. 

The Sensory Experience Helping Keep Kids Away From the TV

To combat a rising screen-time concern among parents, companies are inventing child-friendly, content-rich audio speakers for kids.

India’s Turning Point in the Fight Against Child Malnutrition

Despite India’s long history of child malnutrition, a new government-approved national nutrition mission, a $1.4 billion, three-year effort to battle malnutrition, is offering encouragement to activists and leaders that India may finally be turning a corner in this ongoing battle.

Can this Neuroscientist Solve the Autism Puzzle? 

A Neuroscientist and Stanford University Professor is examining hormones that influence social functioning, specifically oxytocin and vasopressin, to see if they play a role in autism and whether an increase in these hormones may improve symptoms.


Special educational needs are the latest stigma that China has begun to tackle. Read how they’re doing this.