Petal’s Weekly Tips for Top Parenting Stories: Raising CEOs and doctors, Trailblazing Educators, and Climate Change

by | May 10, 2019 | Picks of the Week | 0 comments

There were plenty of stories to inspire me on the Parenting for the Future front this week, including several about Esther Wojcicki, who I met at the NYC launch of her highly anticipated book: “How to Raise Successful People.” A lifelong educator, trailblazer and fearless boundary-pusher, who also happened to raise a doctor and two CEOs, I will take Esther’s advice on parenting any day. Also inspiring is the work of three other trailblazing educators leveraging the language of the future to level the playing field. After taping an episode on Climate Change, I am inspired to do more – at home, at school, at work – to combat this existential threat to the next generation – our children.

I’ve been sharing these articles — and many others — nightly on my Facebook page, Twitter feed, Pinterest boards and as a weekly round-up on my blog.

Here are my picks for the top parenting for the future stories this week:

I Raised Two CEOs and a Doctor. These Are My Secrets to Parenting Successful Children

Esther Wojcicki talks about her parenting approach and how she raised her three daughters to become the great successes they are today.

Three Innovators Changing the Education Landscape

Digital Pioneers Academy, and K12 Inc. – leveraging technology to reach and teach all our children, even those our current models have failed.

Meet The Mother Changing The Conversation Around Autism

How one mom found her voice through her voiceless son, and now helps other moms cope with raising their kids on the autism spectrum.

Gentle parenting: what is gentle parenting and how to try it yourself

Gentle parenting — not to be confused with ‘attachment parenting’ — is an alternative parenting style which focuses on treating kids as equals with empathy, respect, and understanding.

What’s the deal with the whole #BoyMom movement?

Breaking down the meaning of this widely-used hashtag.

Teach Your Kids to Fend for Themselves With These Everyday Tasks

Four ways to help your kids look after themselves tomorrow.

Your kid’s “smart watch” lets anyone in the world trace their location. Again.

You may be putting your privacy — and that of your child’s — at risk by giving them a smartwatch.

Financial Independence Biggest Hurdle For Young Adults, Study Finds

According to a new study by Merrill conducted in partnership with Age Wave, the new definition of adulthood is financial independence — something young adults are saying is harder to achieve today than finding a job, owning a home, or starting a family.

New apps are teaching children how to manage their money

Money is becoming intangible. New apps are teaching kids to save and manage money digitally, setting them up for financial independence in the future.

What’s the connection between climate change and keeping kids in school?

The effects of climate change could be more far reaching than anyone knows — even affecting kids’ education by keeping them out of school.

Many Kids Aren’t Taught About Climate Change In School, New Poll Finds, But Most Parents Want Them To Be

A new poll published by NPR shows kids are not being taught lessons about climate change in school despite parents’ wishes.