Petal’s Weekly Picks for Top Parenting Stories: Asthma, Parenting Style, and Firstborn Advantage

by | Apr 21, 2019 | Picks of the Week | 0 comments

The current state of the environment and the changing climate affects us all, but parents are especially worried about the impact of pollution on their children and what the world will look like when they reach adulthood. As I work on my Parenting for the Future podcast, I too find myself anxious by the news as well as by the results of recent health studies. However I am also inspired by parents and grandparents who are joining their kids in the fight for responsible environmental practices. I’ve been sharing these articles — and many others — nightly on my Facebook page, Twitter feedPinterest boards and as a weekly round-up on my blog.

Here are my picks for the top parenting stories this week

Parents around the world mobilise behind youth climate strikes
Parents and grandparents of kids involved in the youth climate strike movement are joining the fight against government inaction in the face of climate change.

One in 10 child asthma cases ‘linked to traffic pollution’
Four million cases of childhood asthma could be caused by air pollution, according to a recent study. South Korea and Kuwait have the highest percentage of pollution-related childhood asthma cases.

Pollution from busy roads may delay kids’ development
When we talk about raising healthy kids, we need to keep in mind their entire environment. This recent study found that children who live near major roads are more likely to score poorly on communication tests and experience developmental delays.

The Twilight of Combustion Comes for Germany’s Empire of Engines
When we talk about what the world will look like in the future, the conversation often turns to transportation and the reality that the auto industry is in a state of transition.

Find out how your parenting style affects your kids
From attachment parenting to free-range parenting, we all do it a little bit differently. See which style most closely aligns with your parenting, and learn how it might affect your kids.

At Playgrounds Built Like ‘The City In Miniature,’ Kids Are Learning The Rules Of The Road
This innovative playground in DC features a “traffic garden,” which mimics the city streets.

Firstborn Children Are More Intelligent Than Their Younger Siblings, Study Suggests
Parents with more than one child need to ask themselves how they can give all of their children the same advantages to thrive.

Kids’ brains may hold the secret to building better AI
In this interview with Vox, psychologist Alison Gopnik explains what AI researchers can learn from paying attention to children’s cognitive development.

Parents Of College-Age Kids Should Read This Book. So Should Everyone Else
Steve Forbes explains why we’ll be “both relieved and inspired” by Rich Karlgaard’s new book, Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement.

How to Teach Your Kids About Money — and Make Them WANT to Do Chores — According to Family Finance Experts
Talking about money can be difficult. This is a terrific reading list for parents who are looking for ways to teach their kids about money, saving and budgeting.

Losing control: It’s actually a good thing for kids
Tom Tozer and Bill Black, authors of Dads2Dads: Tools for Raising Teenagers, make the case that you should try to control your teens a little less.