Petal’s Weekly Picks for Top Parenting Stories: Endangered Species, Foodies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

by | Apr 13, 2019 | Picks of the Week | 0 comments

As I get closer to the launch of my podcast Parenting for the Future, I’ve been thinking about how we all have different parenting concerns about the future based upon our own life experiences. For example, an essay in Salon looks at the fear of one mother who came late to cooking and now worries that she missed out on teaching her children about the joy of culinary exploration. In Chelsea Clinton’s interview with the LA Times about her new children’s book Don’t Let Them Disappear, she recalls how her favorite childhood books read to her in the White House were “all about supporting imagination and also giving children a safe environment.”

I’ve been sharing these articles — and many others — nightly on my Facebook page, Twitter feedPinterest boards and as a weekly round-up on my blog.

Here are my picks for the top parenting stories this week

Chelsea Clinton on talking to kids about the environment and what’s going on in the world
In this interview with the Los Angeles Times, Chelsea Clinton discusses her new children’s book about endangered species and how she has age-appropriate conversations with her four-year-old daughter about what’s going on in the world today.

I didn’t teach my kids how to cook. Did I fail them?
We all have high hopes that we’ll pass along our interests to our kids. In this essay for Salon, a mother who came late to cooking looks back at when she abandoned her aspirations that her kids would be foodies.

How Much Is Your Education Worth? Depends How Much You Make
Education is often referred to as an investment in your future. The innovative tuition plan at Lambda School in California takes that sentiment quite literally.

Child Expert on the Benefit of Movies
This psychologist argues that watching movies can benefit young children if the story has a good message behind it.

How the Fourth Industrial Revolution will shift our world
Many experts believe that significant advancements in technology have put us at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our children’s careers and workplace experience will likely be very different than ours.

How to help kids with anxiety
When parents develop a greater understanding of the different types of anxieties and how they manifest in children, they can develop coping strategies for challenging situations.

Why South Korea falls silent once a year for its students
Even the banks are closed on the day when the students in South Korea sit for their national university entrance exams.

New Study Suggests Reading Print Books Instead of E-Books Boosts Parent-Toddler Interaction
Despite all of the promising technological advancements that the digital age has brought us, traditional print books remain better than e-books for toddlers.

Disney wants to change the world with new scheme inspired by Disney Princesses
Disney is asking children across the UK to use their imaginations to come up with inventions inspired by the qualities of the classic Disney Princesses.