Petal’s Weekly Picks for Top Parenting Stories: Anxiety, Nurturing Talent and Two Codes

by | Feb 23, 2019 | Picks of the Week | 0 comments

From research mode to the production process, I’ve been relishing the learning curve as I work on my first Parenting for the Future podcasts. I have read several inspirational and informative articles and I feel fortunate to have these platforms to share them regularly with you. I’ll be posting stories nightly on my Facebook page, Twitter feed and Pinterest boards, and featuring a weekly round-up on the blog.

Here are my picks for the top parenting stories this week

How the My Hidden Chimp book is helping kids with anxiety
These innovative books offer practical solutions for parents whose children are experiencing anxiety.

The Future of Well-Being in a Tech-Saturated World
The Pew Research Center asked experts about how they predict changes in digital life will impact our overall well-being physically and mentally in the next decade.

How to Help Your Teen Use Social Media Safely
A timely reminder that we should do what it takes to understand what our tweens and teens are doing on their phones — especially during school breaks — and help them learn how to use social media safely.

The Two Codes Your Kids Need to Know
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman offers fascinating insight into the SAT and a whole host of standardized tests.

Five Things High Schoolers Need To Know More Than Computer Science
As a follow up to the New York Times article (above), this Forbes essay suggests other things — such as financial literacy — that high schoolers should know.

The unlikely champion for testing kids around the world on empathy and creativity
Data scientist Andreas Schleicher worries that we are not preparing children correctly for the workplace of the future. This piece also takes an in-depth look at the PISA test.

Millions are still out of school. This is the world’s plan to change that
From 2000 to 2015, primary-school enrollment in the developing world rose from 83% to 91%, according to the World Economic Forum. But there is still much to do.

5 ways parents can help develop children’s talents
Love how this article points out that Mozart’s father was a composer. As parents, it’s up to us to nurture our children’s talents to the best of our abilities and encourage them to put in the hard work to accomplish their goals.

6-year-old wrestler with no feet, one hand following his dream
This must-watch video is such an inspirational story on so many levels… Talk about grit!