Petal’s Weekly Picks for Top Parenting Stories: Robots, Screen Time and Happy Memories

by | Jan 25, 2019 | Picks of the Week, Uncategorized | 0 comments

As I’m getting ready to launch my podcast, Parenting for the Future, I am meeting remarkable potential interviewees. This week, I had the opportunity to meet a leading figure in early childhood education. I look forward to sharing more with you after we tape our session.

I’m also reading lots of great parenting articles, and every week I’ll be posting my favorites on my Facebook page, Twitter feed and Pinterest boards, and on my blog.

Here are my picks for the top parenting stories this week

The Robot Revolution Is Coming. Why Aren’t We Parenting For It?
Fatherly’s interview with transhumanist Zoltan Istvan is a must-read for those who are concerned about parenting – and educating – for the future, as he touches upon how our children’s career options may be very different from our own.

There’s An Easy Way To Cut Back On Your Kids’ Screen Time But You Aren’t Going To Like It
The screen time debate isn’t going away any time soon. As we prepare our children for the future, it’s important to encourage our children to maintain a healthy relationship with technology.

Un-birthday, anyone? Celebrating the little things can help kids become happier adults.
Happy childhood moments lead to happy memories for adults. This Washington Post article urges us to make things special for our kids more often.

Give Children The Vote, Strengthen Democracy – OpEd
Imagine if children could vote for their future!

Why Chrissy Teigen Should Be Your Model In Teaching Your Child About Money
Teaching kids about money is not easy, but it’s important. Chrissy Teigen found a creative way to teach her toddler about money while getting the picky eater to eat dinner!

10 ways to get your child off Fortnite
Here are some good tips for families dealing with a Fortnite obsession.

How to Get Your School to Teach Digital Manners and Skills
We can’t take for granted that our children know the right to interact online just because their digital natives. Common Sense Media offers incredible guidance.

9 Strategies to Avoid Passing Your Fears to Your Kids
There are many things that we hope to pass along to our children, but we don’t want to pass along our fears.

‘No substitute for parents spending time with their children’: Newsom puts early focus on kids
These are some inspiring sentiments from Gov. Newsom, who is pushing to expand early childhood education in California.