Dr. Charlotte Markey is a mother, a professor of psychology and Chair of the Health Sciences. Department at Rutgers University, Camden. She is a world leading expert in body image research and for over 25 years she has studied eating behavior and body image. Her research has helped her understand what makes us feel good about our bodies so that she can help us develop healthy body image. Charlotte’s research has garnered widespread media attention, and she has been featured in numerous publications, including the New York Times, The Economist, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, Science Daily, Men’s Health and Health Psychology. She has also been interviewed about her work by leading radio and television outlets, including the today show, PBS, NPR and ABC News. Charlotte has a BS from Santa Clara University and a PhD from University of California Riverside. She is also the author of four books, including Smart People Don’t Diet, The Body Image Book for Girls: Love Yourself and Grow up Fearless and Being you: The Body Image Book for Boys.
Her latest book is called Adultish: The Body Image Book for Life and in it, she shares the ultimate guide to building body confidence particularly in the tween and teen years, so that our kids can embarked on the journey to true self-acceptance and loving the skin they’re in.
In this Episode you will learn about:
- The definition of “body image”
- Why body image impacts every aspect of our lives
- How mothers influence their children’s body image
- How culture and geography impact body image
- Eating disorders
- Disordered eating
- Diet culture
- How to listen to our bodies and teach our kids to do the same
- The Health at Every Size movement
- “Embodiment”
- The effects of social media on body image
- FACE: A tool to avoid the comparison culture of social media
Check back soon!
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