"Educating Immigrant Children: The Work of Fugees Family"
with Luma Mufleh
Season 5, Episode 14

Luma Mufleh is mother to two daughters and one son. She is a Syrian/Jordanian entrepreneur, a coach, and a thought leader in refugee and English Language Learner education. The daughter and granddaughter of Syrian refugees, Luma grew up in Amman, Jordan, where she was one of the only Arab students in her class at an American School and one of the only girls who played on her soccer team. As a young adult in a country where being gay was considered a crime, Luma came out to her parents and was disowned. Granted asylum in the US, Luma navigated the broken immigration system to build a life for herself, opening a coffee shop and coaching soccer.

She joins us today to discuss Fugees Family, the first accredited school for refugees in the United States, which she founded in 2006. The school has grown into a nationally acclaimed network of academies bringing educational equity to refugee resettlement communities across America.

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