As summer gets into full swing and the streets, pools and beaches fill with kids, my thoughts turn to youngsters effecting big changes all over the world and in all areas of life. Frustrated by what many of them deem inaction by older generations, they have decided to use their little voices to speak loudly — and adults are listening. Whether protesting school violence, or their government’s inability to enact climate change laws, kids are no longer satisfied with sitting back and staying quiet. One story this week features one little girl who decided to take matters into her own hands to address her fears while undergoing medical treatment. This kind of boldness is exactly what Parenting for the Future will teach its parent listeners to foster in their young charges. I was also inspired this week to read about efforts by Sweden’s preschools to remove gender biases early in a child’s development, and one author’s belief that we are not preparing our children adequately for the future world by teaching them only hard skills. And right in line with what we teach our children, was a moving story about a Sandy Hook mom’s personal mission to make social and emotional learning available to all children in an effort to make schools safer and change the world.
And Finally, two great articles for parents – the first exposes how sites like YouTube aren’t doing enough to protect our children from harmful content and the second, for working moms – encouraging them to throw away guilt and embrace their abilities to contribute to the economy and the human race!
Here are my picks for the top Parenting for the Future stories this week:
On amazing kids doing amazing things …
This Little Girl is Disguising IVs as Teddy Bears to Help Other Sick Kids
Read how one little girl found a way to make her regular hospital visits a little less scary — and now she’s paying it forward.
Five child activists you need to know
These kids are taking small steps to solve big problems, and it’s working.
On reshaping old ideas …
In Sweden’s Preschools, Boys Learn to Dance and Girls Learn to Yell
Sweden is trying to deconstruct gender stereotypes starting with preschool kids.
What We Wish We Would Have Learnt in School
Why we need to teach our kids soft skills, or how to think like an entrepreneur, and not just hard skills like math and science in order for them to have successful careers.
10 questions to help kids learn more about themselves
We’ve all heard “helicopter parenting” can do more harm than good. According to one author, parents should step back and foster their children’s sense of self-awareness to ensure their happiness and success later in life.
On tech giants and their responsibilities to our kids …
The Most Popular Kids’ Video Site in the World Isn’t for Kids
According to market research firm Insight Strategy Group, among 1,200 American families polled, 97% of kids have used YouTube, the massively popular video website that has come under fire in recent years for it’s NSFK (not safe for kids) content.
On parents trying to change the world for their kids …
Sandy Hook Mom’s Mission to Make Schools Safer And Change the World
According to this Sandy Hook Mom, things like gun safety measures and anti-bullying programs won’t resolve the kind of violence demonstrated by school shooters and others like them — instead we need to make social and emotional learning available to all children.
How to Be Mostly O.K. (and Occasionally Fantastic) at the Whole Working Mom Thing
Working moms often feel like they’re giving less than their all both at work and at home. According to author Lauren Smith Brody, women need to get rid of the “mommy guilt” and realize they can contribute to both the economy and the human race.