🎉 So, today is my birthday and I want to first say thanks to all of you who sent such lovely birthday greetings. I am grateful to have a village of like minds and beautiful hearts.
Second, I‘d like to share this gift with you: It is a recent conversation my mom sent to me between spiritual leader, Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey on Tolle’s long-time bestselling book, A New earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.
I have read this book over and over through the years and my copy is dog-eared and so marked up, I can barely see the words on some of the pages. But every time I open it, the wise lessons I learned from my biological parents and all who have parented me throughout my life about the immense power we each all have to positively impact our fellow human beings and our planet, are reinforced. As I reflect on the miracle of another birthday, they are more meaningful than ever.
Please indulge me as I share a three of my favorite quotes, which I hope will resonate with you today:
📖 Page 80: “The ego always wants something from other people or situations. There is always a hidden agenda, always a sense of “not enough yet” of insufficiency and lack that needs to be filled. It uses people and situations to get what it wants and even when it succeeds it is never satisfied…. The underlying emotion that governs all the activity of the ego is fear. The fear of being nobody, the fear of nonexistence, the fear of death.”
📖 Page 123: “The ego doesn’t know that the more you include others, the more smoothly things flow and the more easily things come to you. When you give little or no help to others or put obstacles in their path, the universe – in the form of people and circumstances – gives little help to you because you have cut yourself off from the whole.”
📖 Page 108: “You are most powerful, most effective when you are completely yourself….“How can I be myself?” is in fact, the wrong question. It implies you have to do something to be yourself. But how doesn’t apply here because you are yourself already. Just stop adding unnecessary baggage to who you already are.”