This Father’s Day, I couldn’t help but think of how much the definition of a good dad has changed over time. Nowadays, dads are doing more hands-on parenting than ever before and have emerged as critical supports in their kids healthy development — a far cry from the past when they were seen as the unattached breadwinners. With this change, and in the wake of the #metoo and #timesup movements, the very definition of masculinity has been called into question. One organization leading the charge in this area, and whose Chief Development Officer was recently interviewed for the podcast, is “A Call to Men.” While many men are being called to task, other men are pushing back against old stereotypes.
I was also inspired this week by Dante Palmer’s viral grassroots movement to install changing tables in men’s bathrooms, and by a group of religious publishers tackling the tough questions on masculinity and religion by looking inward to their religious texts. And, I was surprised to learn that the answer to bullying may not be to call out the bully like most schools recommend. Lastly, we can’t forget to have fun with our kids — by encouraging their love of the outdoors, or by giving in and playing video games with them both for fun, but also to teach them how to safely navigate a virtual reality.
Here are my picks for the top Parenting for the Future stories this week:
On Fatherhood:
The Secret of Being a Good Father
The definition of what it means to be a “Good Dad” is changing — and so is child development research in the area which now indicates that caregivers outside of moms play a big role in kids’ behavior, happiness and cognitive skills.
The Role of Fathers in Child Development
In honor of Father’s Day, Harvard University instructor of Human Development Dante Spetter breaks down a father, or father figure’s role in child development and how a father’s relationship with his daughter may differ from that with his son.
Or, do child-rearing norms leave both sexes feeling exploited?
Here’s What Dads Can Do at Home to Help Their Daughters Grow Into Successful Leaders
Research shows Dads can have a big impact on their daughters’ careers.
We Need More Changing Tables in Men’s Bathrooms
Dante Palmer set off a new movement called #squatforchange when a picture of him changing his baby’s diaper while squatting on a bathroom floor went viral and uncovered an inequality in the parenting movement.
On Masculinity:
New Books Draw on Faith to Redefine Masculinity
In response to the #metoo and #churchtoo movements, religious publishers are turning back the pages to redefine what it means to be a man.
Check out the great work of A Call to Men.
The New York Times writer Estelle Erasmus says calling out bullies may not be the way to shut them down.
Don’t Forget the Fun Stuff:
How to keep your tweens and teens interested in hiking and backpacking
Nowadays, it’s hard enough getting tweens and teens off their digital devices, so forget about getting them outside to enjoy the outdoors, right? Wrong. We’ll show you how.
Get Over Yourself and Play Video Games With Your Kids
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em says Stephen Johnson of the website Lifehacker. Johnson says parents should play video games with their kids rather than discourage gaming and instead teach them how to properly and safely navigate a virtual reality.
How to Find Kindergarten Books that Will Make Kids Want to Read
The editors at Fatherly website say you can encourage your kindergartner loves for reading by letting them choose their own books.
Reading to Infants Benefit Both Baby and Adult, New Research SaysA Rutgers University study shows how reading to your infant can have positive behavioral effects on both you and your child.